Seating Model: Does your airline provide seat assignments or does it use an open seating model? While EarlyBird does not guarantee boarding with the first general boarding group (the “A” boarding position), it improves your seat selection options (by usually giving you at least a “B” boarding group number).With EarlyBird, Southwest will automatically check you in and assign your boarding position 12 hours before general boarding positions become available.Or, you can ask a Southwest flight attendant for help during the boarding process, and he/she will ask if another passenger(s) would be willing to move seats. However, Southwest advises that it is not necessary for families with children 13 or under to purchase EarlyBird to get seats together, as you can ask the agent at the gate for assistance prior to boarding. Customers may choose to purchase EarlyBird Check-In to have a better opportunity to select their preferred available seats.

Southwest Airlines believes the open seating model promotes passengers’ willingness to move seats.If a family is unable to speak with the agent at the gate podium prior to boarding (due to a late-connecting flight, arriving late to the gate, etc.), then the family can speak with the Southwest flight attendants onboard, who will ask other passengers to move seats to accommodate the family.This will allow the agent to coordinate with the flight crew on finding open seats onboard the aircraft. Prior to boarding, the family can speak with the agent at the gate podium.At the airport, if you have a “B” or “C” boarding group, and if you do not qualify for family boarding, then.Family boarding takes place after the “A” boarding group and before the “B” and “C” boarding groups, regardless of their previously assigned boarding group and number.Family boarding allows up to two adults to board with a young child (age 6 or younger).At the airport, if you have a “B” or “C” boarding group, and you have a young child (age 6 or younger), then you can ask the gate agent for “family boarding.”.There should be plenty of available seats for your family to sit together. At the airport, if you have an “A” boarding group number, that means that at least half of the seats on the plane are typically still open and available.Check-in exactly 24 hours in advance of your flight to improve your seat selection options.Once a passenger boards the plane, he or she can choose any available seat.įamilies may take the following steps to best ensure adults sit with their children under the age of 14. When a passenger’s boarding group is called, he or she should find the designated place in line and board the aircraft in numerical order with the passenger’s boarding group. Numbered posts in each Southwest gate area indicate where to line up. Southwest gate agents make announcements advising passengers when to stand up and take their place in line for boarding. Boarding positions are displayed on the passenger’s boarding pass. Boarding positions (such as A35 or B16) are assigned at check-in based on factors such as fare class purchased, frequent flyer program status, purchase of “Early Bird check-in,” and time of check-in. At the airport, passengers board based on group (A, B, or C) and number (1-60) within each group. All Southwest aircraft (Boeing 737s) have either 143 or 175 seats. Southwest Airlines has an open seating policy. Tips for families: How would an adult best ensure he or she is seated next to a family member under the age of 14 when flying your airline?

Additional information is available on Southwest’s website here. Southwest Airlines confirmed the accuracy of this table on July 24, 2019.